
When I paint, I think about sculpture, and also I create spaces, in which I materialise countries from my soul unseen by the eye, and my contemplations about the soul. Soul, family, overload, ideas are subject of my paintings. The surface on which I work is a gate into an inner world, where laws of man and his or her inner world are in force. When I paint, I search in that country, walk through it, and find a nucleus of new sculptures, subjects, and morphology. I see painting as a source, scope, and background for my sculptures.

Collection Thought as Muse

Collection Thought as Muse

Structures of intangible world of our mind, zone of a thought start, are in the shape of Muse. Thought...

Collection Descended to desceases

Collection Descended to desceases

There are 2 collections 14 stops of purgatory and Triptych. Descended to desceases. 14 scenes show the country of...

Collection Energies

Collection Energies

World around our world, energies, impulses, membranes, our colective knowledge and structures of our own knowledge. World, that is...

Collection Soul country unknown and saint

Collection Soul country unknown and saint

The main topic is intrisic life – intrisic world of human full of thoughts, emotions and interactions from the...

Collection Mithote new

Collection Mithote new

The topic became intristic, personal area full of lines of informations and voices. The circle of life, that is...

Collection Mithote first

Collection Mithote first

Mithote, Toltian name for notion the voice of thousands voices. Tangible world created of human, societs and their creation...

Yarn of life

Yarn of life

Yarns of our lifes in structures of everyday´s life and uniqueness. So many lifes that are touching our lines,...
